"Namers are like bass players—they're always supporting someone else, and they rarely get to play together" -Mark Gunnion
Is that a burning sensation in my ear area? Thanks for the kind words, and what a treat to see and hear my longtime naming confrère Mark!
It was a treat to get to talk to Mark about you!
This episode was fantastic. "I always felt it was my job to bump up against the guardrails" - Mark Gunnion. My new favourite quote about creative exploration without limits!
He is truly the most quotable man in naming!
Is that a burning sensation in my ear area? Thanks for the kind words, and what a treat to see and hear my longtime naming confrère Mark!
It was a treat to get to talk to Mark about you!
This episode was fantastic. "I always felt it was my job to bump up against the guardrails" - Mark Gunnion. My new favourite quote about creative exploration without limits!
He is truly the most quotable man in naming!