
Big Names in Naming: The Alexandra Watkins Episode

The one where we learn about the birth of the Baconator

I talk with Alexandra Watkins about:

  • Naming the Wendy’s Baconator!

  • Ways she's handled not being able to publicly disclose a naming client or credit

  • How she ended up writing her book, Hello, My Name is Awesome

  • Her cheerful office space where she does her naming

  • The naming styles she’s not a fan of

Plus, we play That Can’t Be Real and Alexandra has to guess which one of these is a fake name for a fake company: Dirty Dough cookies, Dirty Scoops ice cream, or Dirty Draftsman design software. Play along at home!

About Alexandra Watkins. If you have ever eaten a Wendy's Baconator, enjoyed a cup of Spoon Me frozen yogurt, or have ever chowed down on confection from The Church of Cupcakes, you have literally eaten the words of brand-name expert Alexandra Watkins. Alexandra is the outspoken founder of brand name agency Eat My Words (eatmywords.com/) and author of the brand name bible, "Hello, My Name is Awesome: How To Create Brand Names That Stick."

Big Names in Naming is a Naming for Everyone podcast. For more naming resources, live and self-guided classes, and a weekly newsletter, visit namingforeveryone.com. And if you're a major brand in need of naming help, you can work directly with Caitlin's studio, Wild Geese Studio wildgeesestudio.com.