
Big Names in Naming: The Anthony Shore Episode

Anthony Shore names things. And he tells all (well, he tells some...) about how he does it.

I talk with Anthony Shore about:

  • Getting his start in naming by naming cocktails

  • Naming during the dot com boom

  • The WILD ride of naming Accenture (50 names! 2,500 stakeholders voting on it!)

  • Why we hope Onelook stays ugly and stays powerful

  • How fanciful names can create distance from their intended audience, rather than connection

Plus, we play Defend! That! Name! and Anthony convinces me of the strength of three very out-there names.

About Anthony Shore. While he insists his bio is simply, "I name things," Anthony is a naming legend and the Chief Operative of Operative Words. You can find more about his work at operativewords.com.

Big Names in Naming is a Naming for Everyone podcast. For more naming resources, live and self-guided classes, and a weekly newsletter, visit namingforeveryone.com. And if you're a major brand in need of naming help, you can work directly with Caitlin's studio, Wild Geese Studio. www.wildgeesestudio.com

P.S. If you missed the announcement, SELF-GUIDED NAMING CLASSES ARE HERE! Just as packed with practical information as the live classes, they give you access to everything you need to name confidently—on your own schedule, at your own pace, and in your own time zone.