
Big Names in Naming: The Rachel Bernard Episode

The *debut* of a really good naming story

I talk with Rachel Bernard about:

  • How she managed to go from working in the dressing room at the J. Crew in Rockefeller Center to a job as a namer at the world’s largest brand consultancy

  • The work we did together to name Paul Newman’s Serious Fun Children’s Network

  • Trying to sell in the word “Debut” as a name and discovering not everyone thinks it’s spelled like that

Plus, we play Guess What We Do Here? and Rachel has to guess what businesses do based on their names alone.

About Rachel Bernard. Rachel is a verbal identity expert + brand strategist, and the founder of Parts of Speech, Inc.

Big Names in Naming is a Naming for Everyone podcast. For more naming resources, live and self-guided classes, and a weekly newsletter, visit namingforeveryone.com. And if you're a major brand in need of naming help, you can work directly with Caitlin's studio, Wild Geese Studio. wildgeesestudio.com.