
Big Names in Naming: The Emily Grubman Episode

Going from the "unofficial naming specialist" on a strategy team to running her own naming practice

I talk with Emily Grubman about

  • Her dream of naming a cannabis brand

  • How she could help parents-to-be name their kids more effectively (it's all about communication!)

  • What it felt like to shift from a broader set of offerings to going "naming only" at her studio, Title Case

  • Why she dislikes "This & That"-style names

Plus, we play Defend! That! Name! and Emily convinces me that Flower Cycle does NOT stink as the name for a toilet bowl cleaner, Good Guest is a deeply aligned name for astrology software, and Instagram's new name should be Testimonial. I'm on board for all of it!

About Emily Grubman:
Emily discovered her knack for naming as a brand strategist and copywriter at Red Antler (2013-2018), where she helped name companies like Burrow, Prose, and Swoon and developed product naming strategies for brands like Allbirds and Pinrose. Since 2019, she’s continued partnering with leading design studios to brand and launch early-stage startups and support the burgeoning “solopreneur” community.

Emily approaches naming with the big-picture thinking of a brand strategist, the linguistic lust of a writer, and the sober practicality of a trademark lawyer (even though she is definitely not a lawyer).

You can learn about working with her via titlecasenaming.com. Follow her on LinkedIn to see her "Notable Name of the Week" series, and send your own pause-worthy names—be they good, bad, haunting, or hilarious—to
hello@titlecasenaming.com (along with where you saw them) for a chance to be featured."

Big Names in Naming is a Naming for Everyone podcast.

For more naming resources, live and self-guided classes, and a weekly newsletter, visit namingforeveryone.com. And if you're a major brand in need of naming help, you can work directly with Caitlin's studio, Wild Geese Studio. wildgeesestudio.com.